"FREE Newsletters For Every Interest"

 GopherCentral.com's Affiliate Program

GRAPHICS - Use any or all of the graphics we have available. Place them on your site with your link back to GopherCentral.com. 
Click Here To See Available Graphics & Copying Instructions

Individual Newsletters - Promote a particular newsletter like Horoscopes, Dear Abby, Bizarre News, etc... Sometimes focussing on a particular one will get you more click thrus... Once someone clicks thru to our site they are almost guaranteed to find something they like... most of the times its two or three!

These are just a couple of ideas. If you have additional ways or ideas to promote the GopherCentral.com affiliate program. Share it with us... if we use your idea you'll get recognition and a FREE Video of your choice. Email your ideas to affmanager@gophercentral.com

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